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Trusting Her Protector Page 8
Trusting Her Protector Read online
Page 8
The rumbly sound of his growl sent Carolina’s eyes peeking over her shoulder. Yikes. He looked pissed.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Mine,” he growled and his hands spun her around so fast she almost tipped over, not that he would have let that happen.
Mr. Angry Pants was gentle even in his rough handling of her, and boy, did that make her wet and willing. Jasper pulled her into him and sealed his mouth over hers in a kiss that was both dominating and sexy as hell.
She had never gone in for the whole macho man type guy, but maybe she’d been wrong about that. For some reason, Jasper Wessex turned her on in every way shape and form. When the kiss ended, they were both a little breathless and she swore she was trembling.
“Uh, is there anything to eat?” she said to break the tension.
Leave it to a chubby girl to bring up food, but oh well, he might as well know the real her so he could end this now. She wasn’t going to change. In her almost forty years on this earth, Carolina had discovered very few lasting truths, but one thing that never seemed to change was her appetite. She liked food and it showed.
“Of course, I’m an idiot for not thinking of it sooner, come and sit while I make you something,” he said, and was hustling her out to the kitchen before she could even think of a response.
Carolina watched in surprise as he moved about the kitchen. She already knew he could cook, but it was the way he acted with as much confidence as he seemed to handle every aspect of his life that had her staring. That and the fact he hadn’t made fun of her for being hungry.
Her ex had always had a comment when she’d said things like she was hungry or starving. His favorite thing to say was that she could not eat for a week and he would still not believe she could be starving with that body of hers.
Asshole. But not Jasper. He seemed to want her chub and all. He winked while he pulled out ingredients and her hunger grew. If she was worried she’d fall in love with him because of his kisses, she should’ve worried about that wicked sexy smile of his instead. And the fact that he didn’t seem to mind cooking and cleaning.
Of course, he’d made breakfast once already for her, but watching him light the grill with a puff of flames shooting from his mouth was incredible.
“How do you like your meat?” he asked about her preferences while he seasoned two thick steaks with coarsely ground salt and pepper.
“Uh, medium rare,” she said when her brain got out of the gutter.
“Perfect,” he said.
Next, he made a beautiful salad with thinly sliced cucumbers and tomatoes. He drizzled olive oil and topped it with chopped basil and salt and pepper. Lastly, he made garlic bread with an Italian loaf from the freezer.
She was drooling by the time he placed her dish in front of her. And not just for the food.
“This looks fabulous,” she smiled.
“Well, I’m no poet, but I can cook,” he ducked his head, and she realized he really was jealous of all that stuff Medjed had written about her.
“I guess it’s a good thing I’m more into food than poetry,” she returned.
The resulting rumble coming from him had her blushing happily as she cut into the perfectly cooked meat. Tender and pink. Just the way she liked it. Soft and juicy.
Gulp. Great. Carolina couldn’t stop thinking pervy thoughts about her food. As if he could read her mind, one corner of Jasper’s mouth tilted up in a flirtatious little semi-grin that remained in place while they ate.
“I always envied people who could cook,” she said, trying to keep the dinner conversation light.
“The things you can do with those hands are far more remarkable than grilling a steak,” he replied and she almost fell off the seat.
“Whoa,” he said, catching her elbow, “I meant the sculpture, Caro, but if you want to talk about other things?”
“No,” she said to quickly, “uh, I can talk about, uh, sculpting and stuff.”
She was a rambling idiot. Imagine being shy after the things they’d done together! But there she was, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole.
Of course, once she thought about that, she imagined his mouth on her, and any hope she had at being able to get the mouthful of beef she was chewing down her throat went out the window. It took a minute but finally, she swallowed.
“Have any siblings?” he asked.
“No, it’s just me and my parents. I was sort of a late gift. They were almost fifty when they had me,” she smiled fondly at the memory of being an only child, “of course, they didn’t know what to do with me, I was coloring on walls and playing in mud and they were both very strait-laced scientists.”
“That must have been fun for them, to have someone as bright and artistic as you in their lives,” he said and she felt herself go warm.
“I don’t know, I always kind of felt like I must’ve been a disappointment,” she shrugged.
Jasper took her hand and waited until her eyes met his. Would she ever grow tired of that intense golden stare? She highly doubted it. His eyes were like two pools full of warm honey, luminous and hypnotizing.
“You are the most amazing woman I have ever met, Carolina Moore. If anyone in your life can’t see you for the gift you are, then I say to hell with them.”
“Oh,” she said, drowning in his gaze.
His head dipped forward and her stomach clenched in anticipation. Was she really going down this path again? It was such sinfully sweet heaven to be with Jasper, but to what end? She questioned herself, even as her heart threatened to beat her to death.
Wait was that her heart or the front door? The question was answered when the single slab of hand-carved oak that graced Jennifer’s front door burst into a million pieces. Splintered wood shot across the room, and Jasper covered her with his own body. She hardly had time to think, never mind react.
“Get under the table!” Jasper was careful when he shoved her beneath the kitchen table and jumped up to meet the assault head on.
Chapter 12
Jasper moved on instinct against the threat to his mate. There was only one possible answer. Kill whoever the fuck thought it was a good idea to attack when she was there.
He felt his Wyvern push against his skin and readily gave in to his half-shift. That was a phenomenon only he out of his brothers had mastered thus far in their training. Being able to control his beast to draw on his strength without allowing the dominant creature to take over was harder than it looked.
Protective scales rippled across his chest and arms, forehead, and cheeks. The size of his already massive body increased by half. His hands changed too.
Fingertips turned into claws and his wings semi-formed from his arms. The tough membranes could be used as shields or instruments of flight where or when necessary.
The appearance of a half-naked man as tall and wide as him with a near shaved head, some serious eyeliner, and nothing but a little knotted skirt kinda took the momentum out of his attack.
“What the fuck are you supposed to be?” Jasper cocked his head to the side.
“I am Medjed. Warrior and Guard of the House of Osiris. I have been freed from my confines and will take over this puny realm, but first I shall claim my bride,” said the intruder in a deep, guttural voice.
“Holy shit! It’s you!” Carolina yelled.
“I told you to take cover,” Jasper said and moved in front of her.
“Look, Medjed,” she said, though it sounded like match-et to him, “I am flattered by the attention, but I am not your bride.”
“Nonsense. You have freed me. You shall be my bride, ibib,” he growled the foreign word and Jasper’s anger grew exponentially.
“Okay, Matchbox, the lady said back the fuck off.”
“I will fight you, nfs sahalia, for the right to her hand,” he grunted.
“What did you call me?” Jasper asked.
“Lizard breath,” laughed the nearly
naked man.
Oh, it was so on. Jasper ran at him at full speed. He must have caught the guy off guard because he shoved the huge male out the door. If they were going to fight, it would not be in closed quarters.
Jennifer would have his head if he ruined her cabin. And he would never put his mate in harm’s way. Speaking of which, where was she? Fuck, she’d followed them outside, her phone in hand.
Just then, Medjed grabbed Jasper around the middle, squeezing him so hard that he could hardly breathe. An elbow to the gut loosened his hold, but they continued to wrestle, exchanging blows and destroying Jennifer’s neatly graveled driveaway.
Shit. That was gonna cost him.
“Fuck, Matchbox, are you naked under your skirt?” Jasper jumped out of the guy’s hold after flipping him on his back.
“It is called a shendyt, you lowborn imbecile,” growled the Demon.
At that moment, his mate came rushing towards them. She was wielding a baseball bat and yelling for all she was worth.
“Stop, woman,” shouted Medjed covering his ears.
Jasper had to admit she sure could shriek. Damn, that was loud. But she sure was cute coming to his rescue with a Louisville slugger held high in her hands.
“Will you two just stop it,” she grunted, “what do you think you are you doing?”
“Carolina, let me handle this,” Jasper grunted and stood up to move in front of her.
“No, wait a second. I should have a say here!” she demanded.
“My bride wishes to speak,” Medjed glowered at Jasper then turned his almond gaze on Carolina.
“Alright, look you want me to be your bride because I freed you, but why me? I mean you’re free now, you don’t love me, you aren’t bound to me. You can have anyone.”
“Yes, I can. But you are young and beautiful, ibib, I have chosen to bless you in this way,” Medjed stood and, thankfully, pulled down his skirt which had ridden up when he and Jasper had fought.
Fucking guy really was hung, Jasper admitted to himself. He growled while the Demon smiled seductively and approached Carolina. Fuck, he hated to admit it, but he was kind of a good looking guy.
“Ibib, you are strong and lovely, you will make me a good mate. Together, we will rule over this land. I will see to your every desire, beloved one, you shall give me many sons. You will want for nothing,” he purred, and didn’t that make Jasper want to punch his smooth-talking face until it caved in.
Chapter 13
Carolina exhaled. Medjed was really well-spoken. And it was flattering. Everything he had to say was pretty darn nice. She felt her cheeks heat up while he rained compliments on her, but they didn’t do anything for her.
She didn’t feel that awareness that sparked in the pit of her stomach every time Jasper was near. She didn’t feel that pang of attraction, that constant burning desire for him the way she did with her Wyvern protector.
Oh no. She was in love with him! Panicked eyes went from Medjed to Jasper and back again. First things first, she needed to clear this up with the Demon. She couldn’t go on hiding this way.
What good had it done? He still found her. The Demon had gone from Egypt to upstate New York in the blink of an eye.
“What are mates? Like a married couple?” she asked the Demon.
“So much more, little one. A fated mate is the one person in the universe made specifically for you alone. For my kind and other supernaturals, a mate is the person you love and want among all others.”
“Wouldn’t a mate reciprocate those feelings?” she asked.
“Yes,” he nodded slowly, a frown on his handsome bronzed face.
“I’m flattered, Medjed, really, but then you know I am not your mate.”
“Nope. I don’t feel that way about you. And I know you don’t feel that way about me. Besides there are other things wrong with your proposal.”
“Like what?” he looked offended and she laughed briefly.
“First of all, you can’t reign over the world. It’s not yours. It belongs to every single being on this planet.”
“No buts, that is just the truth, pal. Second, now that we know you don’t love me and I don’t love you, don’t you suppose it’s better to just be friends? We both deserve love, don’t you think?” she asked Medjed, but she was speaking to Jasper too.
God, it hurt, but it was the truth. She deserved a man who truly loved her. Maybe now that she understood she was worthy of love, she wouldn’t be so afraid of it. The thing was, she would never settle for less again. Jasper didn’t love her. He was a Shifter. If she was his mate, he would’ve said. No, she couldn’t do this to herself again. She had to move on.
“You are wise, little one, I am saddened that you are not for me. Perhaps this lizard breath is your mate then?”
She saw Jasper move to answer, but Carolina didn’t want any hasty promises. Not after the sex-induced bubble of lust they were both still living in. No. She deserved more than that, and so did he.
One thing she’d learned about Jasper Wessex, was that he was honorable. Too honorable. If he declared his intentions now, he would talk himself into honoring them till death do they part. That would break Carolina’s heart more than anything.
“No. We just met. He’s my bodyguard,” she cut off the Demon who simply looked at her with one eyebrow raised.
“Caro?” Jasper called after her, but she moved out of reach.
“Medjed, people are coming. People who can help you acclimate to the times. I hope you will stay and meet with them.”
“Thank you. I think I will do that, ibi-, I mean Ms. Moore,” he bowed.
“Carolina, we need to talk,” Jasper tried again.
“No actually, I need to shower and pack, excuse me please.”
The sound of tires crunching up the driveway reached her ears. The cavalry had come at last. She’d spent a full hour with the shower running, and the next three packing and pacing inside her room.
She’d heard Jasper and Medjed conversing over that time, and she’d closed her ears to his soft knocks. She couldn’t do this. It hurt too much. The second Jennifer’s voice sounded, she exited the room and ran to her friend.
“Caro?” she asked, face scrunched up in confusion.
She could feel Jasper’s heavy stare and it sat heavily on her heart. Of course he wanted to talk, but what could he say?
Sorry, you’re not my mate? Thanks for the sex.
Ugh. Even her imagination had given up on her. Stunned as tears poured down her cheeks, she felt Jennifer’s arms wrap around her and only then noticed another male in the room.
“I’ll, uh, wait in the car-”
“Caro, please listen to me,” Jasper stepped forward and she closed her eyes and looked at Jennifer for help.
“Um, actually, Carolina,” Jennifer was looking at Jasper and something passed between the two Shifters that she could only imagine, “I think you need to stay here and talk to Jasper. Mr. Medjed?”
“Just Medjed,” the Demon bowed.
“Ah, I see, well, Medjed, would you step outside with me? This is Heliodore Wessex, Jasper’s brother. We’d like to chat with you,” her voice dropped as she retreated outdoors with the two men.
“Uh, look, I’m sorry. I know I have been emotional,” she began, “but you could’ve taken off while I was getting ready,” she cleared her throat.
“I’m your bodyguard,” he whispered.
“Yeah,” she nodded and hated how her heart squeezed inside her chest.
It was the truth. He was her bodyguard. She was a fool for thinking it was more.
“I have been waiting to tell you something, Caro,” he moved closer.
Please don’t touch me, she thought the words even if she didn’t mean them. Carolina knew that if he reached out with his big strong hands she would throw herself at him. She would literally fall on the floor and beg him to keep her. How embarrassing!
She couldn’t let herself do that, so she sidestepped his touch and turned to face him. Wiping her eyes, she plastered a false smile on her face and pretended to not feel as he watched her with his luminous honey colored globes.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked, “Why are you pretending we don’t mean anything to one another?”
“Jasper, I mean, come on. We got caught up in the moment,” she tried for light, but she was failing miserably, “I mean two healthy relatively young people, alone in the mountains, so we did what anyone would do, we had sex. But that is all it was. Just sex. Now it’s time to go.”
“That is not true and you know it,” he growled.
He was pissed again. Anger seemed to come from him in waves. She closed her eyes against it and pretended a laugh she didn’t feel.
“Okay fine, so maybe it was really good sex, but I heard what Medjed said about mates.”
“So? Does it scare you?” he looked horrified by the suggestion.
“Honestly?” she continued, “Yes. I mean this has been great. I really like being with you, but what do I do when you meet this mate of yours? Do I just fade away when that happens? I’m human, Jasper, I can’t turn my feelings on and off. It’s not fair of you to ask me to do that, dammit!” she yelled.
“Hey, I’m not asking you to do that,” he stalked towards her, pushing aside the coffee table and grabbed her by the arms.
“Stop it,” she said, but he was relentless.
“No, you’re my mate. Don’t you know that?”
“What?” she asked and the struggle went out of her.
“From the second I saw your picture in that dossier, I knew you were the one for me. Out by the lake, in the kitchen, on the mountain. Fuck, woman, don’t you know how damn much I need you?”
“You do?”
“Need, you, want you,” he touched her shoulders, her neck, her face and made sure she was looking while he stole a kiss or three, “want you all the time, sweet. Love you. I love you so much, Carolina,” he lifted her in his arms and she was like putty to him.
Molding herself to his frame, she sighed into his kiss. Wrapped her legs around his waist and let her heart soar with love for him. But was she his mate? As if on cue, Jennifer opened the new door that had somehow been put up during the time she’d spent in the bedroom.