Wolf Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel Read online

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  I floated through the following day at school barely paying attention to any of my classes. It was all surreal to me. How could I focus on Algebra when I'd be facing witches in the weeks to come? I watched Sebastian make his way around the track after the last bell had rung. All of the mixed feelings I'd had since the previous night's lesson with Uncle Sean melted away. Replaced with awe and a little longing.

  The sun was still fairly high, but it was cooling off to a steady seventy-eight degrees. Yeah, weird but I had my own personal weather center now and I could tell the weather right down to tenths of a degree, along with wind pressure. I was such a weirdo. Sebby was so blissfully unaware of how different we were and it made me want him all the more.

  I sighed and looked around. I longed for the traditional oranges, reds and yellows of fall. The extreme heat and lack of rain had made this the dullest autumn I had ever witnessed in my lifetime. Hard, brittle leaves with no color fell from nearby trees, evergreens usually heavy with pinecones this time of year dropped heaps of dried out needles on the brown grass. Sebastian stopped to take a sip of his ever-present bottle of water. The sun highlighted his short dark hair throwing off streaks of amber as if he were aglow. He drank deeply, I watched his throat contract as he swallowed and my lips opened in response. His clean sweat assailed my nostrils and my heart sped up. He smelled good, healthy and alive. His heart thudded wildly in his chest from his run. I could hear it so clearly as if my head were pressed against his chest. I wished it was. Just then he noticed me and I jumped a little. I was embarrassed. I had been staring, but to be caught doing so. Ugh, I'm such a dork!

  "Hey, you made it!" He jogged over and seemed actually happy to see me.

  "Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late. I had stuff do it," Startled out of my temporary trance I walked towards him and missed a step. Balance and agility second nature now, I quickly righted myself, I set my backpack down next to where his was off to the side of the track.

  "Let's get going then," Sebby started back down the lane, and I caught up to him easily. My uncle's voice played back over in my head. Rather unwelcomed, I should mention. All I wanted to do was concentrate on the cute boy I was jogging with. How could I be one of the Hounds of God? Chosen to fight with the devil's minions? A tiny squirrel rustled in the dead grass on my right. He was thin, there were meager pickings this harvest and he was suffering as well. As he scavenged for something to eat, to horde away for the coming winter, I locked my eyes on him and felt saliva fill my mouth. Ew! The poor thing retreated up a tree, I could hear its tiny heart beating rapidly. I shook my head. Wolves were hunters it made sense, but still. Gross!

  I refocused on where I was and saw Sebastian. He breathed heavily, the veins in his neck popping out. I realized he was at his breaking point. I slowed my pace. I didn't want to embarrass him or damage our newly budding relationship. After all it was hardly a fair match. The rest of our run went by too fast. We stood by the bleachers drinking water and stretching. I could have run for miles more, but I tried to look winded.

  "So, are you going to the Harvest Ball?" He looked right at me. His warm brown eyes focused on mine. I tried not to notice the swell of his muscles when his t-shirt pulled tight around his chest with every stretch and bend. He looked really amazing.

  "Um, no, I don't think so." I ducked my head. How could I tell this beautiful boy I had never been to a dance? No one had ever asked me and I lacked the friends to go in a group. Last year I distinctly remembered hiding up in my room as Julianna took over the house getting ready. Nonna was at Mass, and I should have gone with her. Some sick part of myself wanted to stay home and witness my perfect cousin. Sure, she was a jerk, but she was so pretty. She wore the same color blue as her eyes, her mom had taken her to get her nails done and her hair in a cute up-do. I watched from the top of the stairs as Aunt Theresa gushed over her, snapped pictures and stuff like that. Would my mom have been proud of me? Would she have taken me to get a mani-pedi and my hair done? Those were things I'd never know. They didn't even notice me as I watched from the stairs. It sucked being invisible. Yup, this year I was definitely going to Mass!

  "Oh, well, that's too bad because I wanted to know if you wanted to go. With me." He smiled at me. Open and friendly. Was he kidding? I waited a beat, but he just looked at me, his perfect eyebrows raised waiting for a response.

  "Really? I mean yes. Yes, sure, I'll go."

  "Great!" He linked hands with mine and grinned at me, his white teeth sparkling.

  "That was a great run. I'll see you tomorrow, Grazi." He pulled me into his arms for a quick hug I thought, but then he kissed me. A sweet, soft kiss on my lips that left me too stunned for words. His cell phone chirped and he grabbed it from his pocket.

  "My dad's here, I'll text you later. Bye." I could barely reply to his goodbye. I walked on air all the way to my bus stop. I soon realized I missed the last bus. The heck with it. I decided to run all the way home. I stuck to the woods behind the houses and roads, that way I could go faster than would be explainable. I reveled in the freedom of running through the trees.

  My backpack weighed nothing at all, but maybe it was because I was stronger than ever before. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Sebastian filled my mind. Sweet, beautiful, Sebby with his dark hair and brilliant smile. He kissed me! Me! I could still feel his full soft lips pressed against mine. I could taste the raspberry-lime flavored water he had on his breath. I felt elated. I reached home much too soon. I jogged up the paved driveway to the door and was shocked to see Julianna waiting for me there.

  "You! How could you do this?" She shrieked at me. Now, my cousin Julianna usually ignored me at home. I was truly stunned that she was talking to me, well screaming at me, but I was in too good a mood to care. I shrugged past her. Great. What did I do now?

  "You little bitch! You knew I wanted him! That's the only reason you're throwing yourself at him! Mom! Mom!" I set about depositing my school bag on the floor and taking off my sneakers on the bench in the foyer as she shouted for her mother. Oh, even better, now my aunt would start in on me.

  "What? What happened now?" My Aunt Theresa came into the living room her hair in curlers and cream bleach smeared along her upper lip.

  "She did it! She embarrassed me in front of all my friends! Everybody's talking about! Look at this post on Ur-Shotz!" Julianna was shaking with anger as she held up her cell and showed a picture of me and Sebby jogging. So what? We jogged every day, I thought to myself. "You little orphaned freak! She was sneaking around, mommy! With a boy! My potential boyfriend!"

  "What are you talking about, Julianna? We were jogging." I was at a loss.

  "Huh! Yeah right!"

  "This is just like you, Maria. What do you have to say for yourself? Acting like that!" My aunt stood there, hands on her ever-widening hips, tapping her pink polished toes.

  "Yeah, what did you give Sebby to make him ask you anyway? You do it with him behind the bleachers? You probably did it right there like an animal! You knew I was planning on going out with him and you tricked him into asking you out! You always want everything I have! My classes, my hair, my father's time, you want to be me!" She shoved me. She hardly moved me, but still. Before that point I thought the whole thing was pretty amusing and as things usually went with my cousin, of absolutely no importance to me. Julianna was used to getting everything she wanted. It must have really burned her that for once she envied me. However, after she put her hands on me I so did not care how she felt. My Wolf snarled in response to the physical threat.

  "Do not touch me, Julianna." I said at what I totally considered a reasonable decibel.

  "Maria Graziana, shame on you! Is this how you repay us for our kindness? You dishonor your family like a common tramp? It's just like you to stab your poor cousin in the back!" Aunt Theresa tried to rub her daughter's shoulders, but my cousin was on a real role. I trembled with anger at the venom in her perfect blue eyes. She poked me in the chest with her manicured finger and continued her rant

  "Lizette saw you guys on the track when she was leaving for her dance practice. Uh huh, so don't bother denying it! She posted that picture on Ur-Shotz so there is proof! Is that where you gave it up? You little slut! Just like your mom! You'll probably be knocked up before you graduate too!" She spat the insult in my face and went to shove me again. I felt the growl leave my throat and before I could stop myself I had Julianna up against the wall, my fingers wrapped around her skinny neck. The screams of my aunt barely registered. I didn't even feel the pounding of her fists on my back. Nonna brought me back to reality. I felt her strong hands on my shoulder as she said my full name in a gentle, yet firm voice, "Maria Graziana Kelly, put down your cousin right now."

  "You're crazy! She's crazy! Vito, Vito!" My uncle came running and found his daughter gasping on the floor and his wife in hysterics.

  "What is going on here?" He said still trying to swallow his last bite of dinner. Mmm, smelled like fresh ham.

  "Your horrible niece! That is what is going on, Vito! I tell you I won't live here with her anymore! Not for one minute! She needs to go! Get out you little tramp!" She shook her finger at me and Uncle Vito covered his eyes and rubbed his head.

  "Basta! That is enough! Theresa, you are a guest in my home, don't you forget that, signora! You act like a fool, you shame my son! Julianna stop your whimpering, you cry baby. You think I don't see. You think I don't know how you treat your poor cousin! Disgraziata! My own granddaughters!"

  "She tried to choke me, Nonna!"

  "And what did you do to her, ah? A little push a little shove, ah? I'm not so old I can't see, you know!"

  "She's just your favorite!" My cousin whined then pretended to cry a little as her mother took her and wrapped her arms around her precious child.

  "You are both my blood, both my granddaughters. This is enough now, finito, si!"

  "Rosa, you are grossly unfair to Julianna," Aunt Theresa attempted to speak again, but Nonna glared at her and cut her off in a raised voice I had never heard her use.

  "That is enough, Theresa! Bring your daughter to her room, get Rebecca out of here as well. Maria, go upstairs and wait for me."

  I could not believe it. My grandmother had just told off my aunt and my cousin. If I hadn't recently been told I was a Werewolf and if the boy of my dreams hadn't just asked me out and given me my first kiss I think I might have been too shocked to move. It certainly was a month for revelations. My uncle stood silently and almost disgustedly at his wife and daughter. I looked from one face to another and decided my room was probably the best place for me right then.

  "So, I hear you had an interesting evening last night," Uncle Sean said as he handed me a blindfold.

  "Yeah well, that's putting it mildly." That Saturday morning was shockingly cold. It had dropped thirty degrees overnight. Yup, forty-five degrees and it was already noon. Almost unheard of in this part of the country, especially at this time of year. Usually, there was a ten to fifteen-degree shift in the weather, but this was ridiculous. I shivered in my long-sleeved t-shirt, clearly, I could have gone with sweats.

  Whatever green was left outside from the intense heat was now frosted over. Farmers were in an uproar as prices plummeted and soared again. My uncle had to leave early that morning to clear fallen branches and weeds and to wrap fragile plants and trees in his various clients' yards. Luckily, we finished picking our own meager harvest the week before or it would have been frozen over. Now it was just a matter of clearing debris and setting up our garden for winter. I would help with that as I did every year.

  "I know it is tempting to put that spoiled brat cousin of yours in her place, but you must resist. You could have hurt her."

  "She called me a slut. She called my mother a slut!"

  "You're not a slut, are you? And your mother was nothing of the sort. You know that don't you, Grazi?

  "I know and I'm sorry. I just lost it."

  "Yes, I understand. But you cannot afford to lose it now, Grazi. Mean girls will always be mean, Grazi, it's their own insecurities that lead them to it. Try and forgive. Now put this on. We need to do a mind exercise."

  "Great, first I get a 'turn the other cheek' lesson and now I'm supposed to be a Jedi."

  "Ha ha ha. Just listen. Ok, make sure you cannot see. Good. Now I want you to think back to the night you first changed and tell me what you remember."

  "I didn't feel well. I can't remember changing. Just cramps. Brief, intense pain. Lots of emotions."

  "Like what? Were you able to think rationally?"

  "I don't know what you mean. It was weird, but I was in there."

  "Try and picture yourself. Your grandmother gave you cocoa. Did you drink any of it?"

  "Yes, a sip in the kitchen. It tasted terrible."

  "Hmm? Yes, for certain it did. It was the aconitum. It is awful tasting especially to Wolves. Commonly called Wolfsbane. It stops the change when ingested. Well, usually, at any rate."

  "I guess I didn't drink enough?"

  "Yes, well that's the thing. Most of us that are left can't even attempt to change if we ingest the slightest drop. It weakens us considerably. Your grandmother put concentrated amounts of Aconitum extract in your tea and cocoa for weeks before the full moon. You should have went right to bed that night with one sip. Yet you managed to shift, and not into any half-beast. You were pure Wolf." I could not see my uncle but I could hear the awe in his voice. As if I were a mystery, a marvel even.

  "Anyway, Grazi, I want you to try and see your Wolf."

  I tried to do as he said, but I couldn't. How was a teenage girl from New Jersey supposed to deal with of this? Werewolves, witches? I didn't know.

  "I can't, I'm sorry." I tore the blindfold off and I went to gather my things before he spoke again.

  "Now don't get frustrated, girl. It'll take practice." I was ashamed of myself for not having better control, I knew he was my uncle, but he was also my teacher and I had never done so badly in any class. Granted these were not your typical classes.

  "By the way, you have a new training partner coming on Monday."

  "What do you mean?"

  "His name is Ronan. He is a descendant of the original Hounds as are you. He was raised in the same small village in Ireland where your father and I were born. Mostly Werewolves there. And well, let's just say he would benefit from an education here in this country and you will benefit from him as well."

  "Maria Kelly, front and center please. There you are young lady, boy you really sprouted over the summer! Now, let me introduce you to Ronan Madden, he's an exchange student. Fr. Gallagher is sponsoring him and we hoped you could, well, show him the ropes, you know." I stared at the giant boy in front of me as Sr. Diane spoke. Ronan was tall, well over six foot. He had short, strawberry blonde hair and a light dusting of freckles. His eyes were a piercing emerald green. He was really athletic looking. Must be a Werewolf thing. I mean my Uncle Sean was like, old, but he was in really good shape too. This boy in front of me looked like he worked out for a living. Long and lean, yet his musculature was very pronounced. The other girls were fanning themselves and getting an eyeful. Especially Julianna.

  "Sr. Diane, I would be more than happy to show him around!"

  "Yeah, we could all, like, give him a tour," giggled Lizette and Jennifer. Clones!

  "Well, thank you, Julianna, but Fr. Gallagher assigned Ronan to Maria for now. Maybe you can sit with him at lunch? Isn't that nice!"

  I ignored my cousin. It was the safer thing to do these days. What shocked me was Ronan did also. He barely glanced at her. He didn't speak. He just looked at me, recognition in his eyes. I thought I saw them glow for a minute. He tilted his head to the side and averted his eyes. Was he submitting to me? Uncle Sean had told me Werewolves were very conscious of body language. Posture, eye contact, a tilt of the head, standing, sitting; these things all had very specific meanings to Werewolves. I was sure Ronan was showing me he was submissive to me. I did not have any idea why he would do th
at, he definitely looked like he could kick my butt. I mean, he was gigantic. Muscular, tall, and he had obviously been raised a Werewolf his entire life. I'd been one for just a couple of weeks really. I still had no idea what was going to happen to me the next full moon. Maybe he was just being friendly? Hard to believe since he didn't even crack a smile.

  "You are shorter and thinner than I expected," was all he said as we made our way down the hallway to the lockers. Really? I am five-foot nine, hardly short! And I am thin but come on, what was he expecting a cow or just someone a little more top heavy? Like Lara Croft! Sexist pig! He smirked as if he could read my thoughts, but I ignored him. I set him up with the locker directly under mine and waited as he grabbed some books. Then I took him to fill out some forms in the school office. Sr. Diane nodded at me when we left, but not before taking note of the length of my skirt. She gave me an approving nod and went on her way. Great, I'm such a dork my school principal approves of my skirt length.

  "So, what's the plan, Princess?" I made no move to answer him as we walked down the hall together. I didn't know why but he irked me. I mean what was he? My babysitter?

  "Okay then, no need to talk my head right off, princess," He smirked as he said it and I wanted to slap that expression right off his face. I didn't have to talk to him if I didn't want to! I knew I was acting like a big baby, but I couldn't seem to help it. So, I continued to ignore him. He followed me around the entire morning. At lunch, I watched as Ronan piled food onto his tray. He noticed the lone turkey sandwich on mine and added a salad, yogurt, carton of milk and an apple.

  "Hey, I didn't want that stuff."

  "Sure, you don't, princess. Leave it alone then if you don't want to eat it." He sat down next to me and started making his way through one of his four chili cheese dogs. "Mmm. Good." I cringed. I didn't eat hot dogs.

  "You do know what's in hot dogs, right?"

  "It's meat, right?" He took another monster bite.

  "Yeah, um, barely. More like snouts and hooves." I watched as he devoured another one in two bites. He wore an expression of pure bliss. I shrugged and unwrapped my yogurt. It had real organic peaches, yummy.

  "Hey, Grazi." Sebastian came and sat down on my other side with a smile. He kissed my cheek and unwrapped a turkey sandwich identical to mine. It made me idiotically happy that we liked the same things. Suddenly, I was embarrassed at the amount of food on my tray. Angela joined us too and I forgot my embarrassment for the time being.

  "Hi, Grazi! Hi Sebby, and um Ronan, right? I'm Angela," She looked happy with all the male attention we had at our table and basked in Ronan's full-mouthed nod of recognition. The slob! Everything was cool for a bit, that was until the cheerleaders decided to come over.

  "Hello boys! It's Ronan, right? I was wondering if you wouldn't be more comfortable with us over at the bigger table." Julianna leaned over the table deliberately shoving her bra enhanced boobs in his face. Disgusting really. Ronan didn't seem to mind. He smirked then must have remembered his babysitting post. He looked at me eyebrows raised and I shrugged as if to say go ahead.

  "Be my guest." Really, dude, go. Julianna leaned into him again and he seemed momentarily hypnotized.

  "You're certainly well fit, aren't ya." He cleared his throat and continued, wiping his hands on a napkin. Thank heavens, he knew how to use one. "Thanks much girls, but alas, I'm fine right here."

  Julianna's smile dropped into a hard line. She shifted her attention and her boobs to Sebastian. His ears got a little pink and he fiddled with his napkin.

  "So, Sebby, maybe you can sit with us. After all the Harvest Dance is coming up and since you are Junior class president I was wondering if you had any opinions on the decorations?" He answered her politely, but managed to decline her invitation as well. That didn't seem to deter her. She sat next to him, waving her clones to have a seat. They all seemed to be sharing a single plate of sliced cucumbers and carrot sticks, no dip or dressing on the side. For lunch, really? I bit into my sandwich and sighed with gusto. Lizette shot me a dirty look. LOL. Julianna ignored me and sipped from her water bottle. She wound her perfect hair around her little manicured finger and asked Sebastian all sorts of questions about the dance. I tried to take another bite, but couldn't manage it. Julianna sat there smiling her perfect teeth at everything Sebby said. Ugh. Life was so unfair sometimes.

  "So, what's your deal?" I whispered to Ronan.

  "My deal? I've made no deals nor bargains. I do not consort with witches or demons-,"

  "Oh jeez, just chill with the demon talk," I looked over, but no one seemed to have heard us. Angela was busy mimicking Julianna with frequent hair flips and a huge vacant smile. Great now she was poking the dish of cucumbers. Sebastian was trying very hard to keep a straight face while my cousin monopolized him, hard with Angela's antics. My conversation with Ronan was so far unnoticed. Thank goodness! Being overheard talking about witches and demons was not going to do me any favors!

  "You speak of deals and ask me to be silent? Is this a joke to you, princess? I have been taught to fight this war since I was a pup. I am told you are to lead the battle, and you accuse me of dealing and then mock me when I deny it?"

  "No mockery intended! No, really, I just mean that no one here knows any of this! No one would believe it if they did! Please, look we will train after classes with Uncle Sean. That is the only place we can discuss this. Please?"

  "You plead with me? There is no need, princess. I shall do as you bid. I'm sorry for being cheeky." He looked embarrassed and averted his eyes even further. "The bell is ringing, let's go to our next lesson. I believe we have music."

  The look in his eyes as he spoke, before he looked down, was so intense I couldn't reply. The second bell rang and Angela cleared my tray for me as I sat like an idiot. Ronan took my hand and pulled me up from chair. He handed me my school bag. Sebastian and Julianna were still talking. Well, she was talking. I noticed him trying to keep tabs on me and Ronan. Our voices dropped so low that had we not been Werewolves I doubt we could have heard each other. As it was I had a hard time not hearing things I didn't want to. Like all the ultra-sweet BS Julianna was slinging at Sebastian!

  "Oh, Sebby will you stop by my locker with me? I need your help carrying my designs for the dance over to Mrs. Bene's art room. Then we need to move the craft paper and supplies so we can start working on them," Julianna took his arm and led him away. He looked back at me as if to say he couldn't help it. Knowing my cousin, he really couldn't. I waved and mouthed, "See you later." He smiled at me like he knew he was forgiven.

  "Great. That's settled then," Ronan took my arm again and dragged me down the aisle. I was getting awfully tired of being pushed and pulled by the guy. We went to the music room and he immediately sat down in front of the grand piano, pulling me next to him. The rest of the class was divided into groups, talking and fooling around. Some students were tuning their instruments. Music was usually a chaotic class. Half of the kids took it for an easy A, the rest were serious about ding the annual Christmas concert and spring musical.

  "Ronan, I don't know how to play-"

  "You don't? Oh well, it's good, I do then." His fingers began a dance across the black and white keys and what started as some warm up scales soon became a wonderful melody. Ronan looked around the room, but he wasn't seeing he was listening. Then he looked down his fingers flew gracefully over the keys. It was something classical I didn't recognize.

  "Franz Liszt," he said answering my unspoken question. Then he transitioned from that to an old Cole Porter song I knew from my Nonna.

  He sang the old fashioned, but sweet lyrics in a truly remarkable voice without embarrassment or shyness. Clearly, he was talented. He switched melodies again, this time going for, I couldn't believe it, it was one of my absolute favorite love songs. Students started swarming around us. Caught up in his voice as I was, I hardly even noticed. He crooned in his clear strong voice about love and longing. My heart thudded in my chest and I knew he could hea
r it, I could feel it in his green eyes. I leaned into him and closed my eyes, listening to the timbre of his voice and the unspoken messages passing between us. I almost forgot where we were. The class erupted in enthusiastic applause and cat calls. I snapped back to attention. My cheeks were hot and my breathing a little unsteady. Ms. McHafferty, the music teacher clapped wildly and approached the piano.

  "Mr. Madden, how wonderful! Truly remarkable! How long have you played?" She asked Ronan a million questions. I tried to get up and walk away but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down on the bench. I was going to kill him.

  "My mother taught me to play, actually Miss. She teaches music back in Ireland." I noticed his accent came off real thick when he was charming the ladies. Apparently, it didn't matter whether they were sixteen or sixty.

  "Well, you must play for our Christmas concert! Will you?"

  "Surely, Miss."

  "Great, Okay class, settle down!"

  "What was that about?" I whispered as he dragged me to two chairs across the room.

  "I don't know what you mean, princess."

  "The serenading!"

  "I was just singing a few songs. Didn't you think I carried the tune well?"

  "You know you did. Why that song?"

  "What? It's my favorite is all." He was telling the truth. It just seemed odd to me that we would both like that song. I wondered what Sebastian's favorite song was. I'd have to ask him. It was just too weird that Ronan and I would have stuff in common.

  He spent the remainder of the day shadowing me. I was probably meaner to him than I should have been. It wasn't his fault I liked the Cure too. It wasn't his fault that a boy was finally interested in me. Not just any boy, but the boy and I had to be stuck with a giant red-headed watchdog. Literally.

  I got about twenty text messages in between music and religion about whether or not I was going out with both Sebastian and Ronan and from people I didn't even know! One text, from Sebastian stood out.

  Hey Grazi, a lot of people are saying some things about you and that guy you're showing around today. I know you better than that though. I just wanted to say don't let it get to you. I'll see you, later. XO

  I felt so much better after that. I mean we weren't officially going out or anything, but still. I really liked him and I didn't want to ruin anything. And he put a XO at the end of the text! That was promising.

  My relationship with Ronan had nothing to do with romance. I couldn't exactly tell Sebastian that he was here to show me how to be a Werewolf, but I could show him it was just a tutoring thing. Yeah, that would work! High school drama could be so ridiculous sometimes. I shut off my phone and prayed the day would be over soon.