Sammi and the Jersey Bull Read online

Page 13

  “It’s all over, raccoon. We know your game and who you work for. Put your hands up and I’ll read you your rights,” he growled.

  “Not so fast, beef breath. I still got your female right here,” the crazy former cadet chittered and struck.

  It was just a few more feet. But before Sammi reached safety, something knocked her sideways and she was being scooped backward by a net that was attached to a long pole. The kind Critter Control used.

  OMG. That was what the CC stood for. She was in a Critter Control facility. Or something designed to look like one.

  Struggling to get out of the net, she soon realized the futility. Her spines kept getting caught in the mesh, and all she managed was to get herself tangled.

  Sergio growled again, stepping closer to where Randee now held Sammi captive off the floor. She moved the net over the rim of a steel barrel, the contents of which smelled like hell on earth to her hedgie’s sensitive nose.

  “You take another step toward me and I will drown your precious mate in this vat of toxic chemicals.”

  “Just had that lying around, did you?” Sergio grunted.

  “Always,” Randee snickered. “The doctor mixes his own medicines to help solve our problem.”

  “Whose problem?”

  “Our problem.” She snorted. “Yours, mine, hers. He is a genius, and he will fix everything.”

  “I hate to break it to you, lady, but my only problem right now is you.” He inched closer.

  “Ha! That’s not true. Look at you. A glorified hamburger. A walking steak. I mean, how can you even live with yourself? You filthy, disgusting—”

  That was all Sammi could take of little miss copycat talking down to her man. She hissed loudly, clicking her teeth and straightening her spines so that they pinged the pole, causing the female to jerk in surprise. The net swayed precariously, and that was all she needed.

  Sammi twisted herself so that she was far away from the chemicals. Switching skins in the blink of an eye so that she was no longer dangling precariously over a vat of toxic waste, she pulled the pole toward her, bringing Randee, who was so shocked she actually tightened her grip on the thing, right along with it.

  “Hey, copycat,” she snarled, “that’s my mate you’re talking about!”

  Then she socked the little vermin right in the nose. The surprised female yelped then slumped to the ground with a satisfying thud.


  Sammi’s head whipped around to where Sergio stood, mouth hanging open in surprise. He shook his head and ran to her, holding her tight against him in a hug. One she gladly returned.

  What began as joy at being saved and reunited soon turned to something else. Sergio growled as she stepped back and tucked her hair behind her ears, blushing as her big ol’ bull got a load of her in her birthday suit.

  “You, uh, still got those handcuffs?”

  “Not here, but we got these.” He held up a pair of extra-strength zip-ties the mad doctor had lying around.

  “Wanna use them?”

  “You bet, Red.” He grinned, moving toward Sammi.

  “Not on me, you one-track-minded bovine. On her. Cuff that rodent, before she escapes.” She pointed to the female, who was somehow stirring.

  Sergio growled and bent down, using a few reinforced steel zip-ties to make cuffs for the female’s legs and hands. Once she was secured, he turned back to Sammi, who was only now feeling the chill of the laboratory.

  “I love looking at you, Red, but put these on so I don’t have to gore anyone for seeing you like that,” he grunted, grabbing a pair of scrubs from one of the shelves.

  “There're some boxes in here. Looks like illegal documents, passports, and stuff,” Sergio grunted and handed her the top.

  “Is it related to your case?”

  “Could be, but we got time to figure it out. Just glad you're safe, Red.”

  He grinned and shrugged on the bottoms at her insistence while Sammi pulled the top on over her spiky head just in time for the cavalry to arrive.

  “Serg? Yo, bruthah, you in there?” Tony Leeds shouted as he ran into the room, a large semi-automatic in his grip.

  “Ah. I see the gang’s all here. And look, you got me a present,” Tony snarled at the female raccoon, who was squirming against her cuffs.

  Tony took custody of the prisoner, while Sergio used his bulk to block Sammi from the Devil’s view. It was sweet in a macho-chauvinistic kind of way. But Sammi didn’t really mind. After all, she didn’t want to be even half-naked for anyone but him at the moment.

  “Thanks, Tony.”

  “You got it. But uh, I had to call the boss, and Grandmother Leeds is a stickler for rules. Like a certain bull I know. Anyway, she called FUC right away and gave them all the details, including that hair Aunt Suzi found. Raccoon hair to be exact.”

  “Thanks, bruthah.” Sergio nodded. “Better get her Mirandized, and into our custody before they take credit. We’ll wait for them to arrive,” he said.

  The Jersey Devil just grinned and waved, frog-marching Randee, who was whimpering and muttering everything from death threats to strange nursery rhymes as he tugged her along.

  “Creepy little fucker, isn’t she?” Sammi murmured.

  “Got that right. What’s with her outfit and hair?”

  “I dunno. Guess she was trying to imitate me for whatever reason.” She ducked her head, shy now with him.

  “You okay, Red?” Sergio asked.

  His big, muscular chest was so close, so bare. All she wanted was to lean in and take a nice, long lick. She’d been daydreaming about anointing herself with his scent from the moment she saw him. Her pulse raced, and warmth began to spread through her body.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, thanks.” She bit her lip. “I mean I think so. I guess, uh, that is, well, we should talk about everything,” she murmured, walking backward.

  Truth was she felt a little unsure now that they had both used the m-word toward the other. All they did was kiss, but that didn’t matter. Her entire body was on fire with need. Between that and the thunderous pounding of her heart inside her chest, Sammi knew this was right.

  “I want that too. I want everything with you.”

  “You do? Like, really?” She bit her lip and waited, but instead of desire in his deep, brown gaze, she saw horror.


  Unfortunately, his warning came a moment too late. Sammi had forgotten all about the vat of toxins sitting precariously in the middle of the room. She’d been trying to accept the fact this was all real. She was meant to be with him. Her one true and fated mate.

  But, of course, in true wedgie hedgie fashion, she bumped her hip into said barrel. The vat of stinky, toxic waste wobbled and tipped. Just her luck.


  The sizzling sounds of toxic chemicals hitting the floor froze her to stone, but she had nothing to fear. Sergio, her mate, moved like lightning. The bull had her in his arms and over his shoulder before she knew what was happening.

  Her borrowed shirt rode up her stomach as the brawny bovine hauled ass, mainly her large, curvy one, out the door. Speaking of ASS, while hers was on display, a slew of FUC and ASS agents arrived on the scene just in time to see the secret lab explode.

  “Holy fuck!” shouted the usually prim and proper Director of the Furry United Coalition Newbie Academy, Alyce Cooper, when the explosion doubled, sending shooting flames and smoke straight up into the sky like a mini A-bomb.

  “You can say that again,” Everett Johnson of the Lone Wolf Agency said.

  He’d been one of Sammi’s old instructors, and he stood beside the director with his head back and mouth hanging open at the level of destruction.

  “You think there’s any evidence left?” Jessie Cygnclair asked her mate, Mason Brownsmith, but the bear shifter shrugged, eyes still staring at the now bright orange and green flames. That would be the toxins, of course.

  “Whoa. Hey now. I guess that hedgie couldn’t have a wedgie after all.�
�� Everett smirked, catching the attention of her angry bull as he attempted to shield her ass with his hand.

  He turned around with Sammi still on his shoulder, snarling at the wolf.

  “I would punch you in the face, dog breath, but then I’d have to put down my mate.”

  “Mate, huh? Okay, bro, chill. My bad,” said the wolf, backing up, but still chuckling.

  “Take your mate home, Detective Gravino. We will investigate what is left of this facility, and you and I will talk in the morning.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Sergio grumbled, catching the keys she tossed his way.

  Sergio moved her from his shoulder to his arms, princess-style, and slid her into the seat carefully as if she were fine china. Considering he was a bull, that analogy left a lot to be desired. But Sammi was so captivated by his rapt stare and attention she didn’t mind one bit.

  “Call your parents, Red. Tell them you're safe.”

  She nodded and took the cell phone he grabbed from the center console and dialed.

  “Mom? Dad? No, yeah, I am safe.” She covered the receiver. “They want to know when I am coming home,” she whispered, eyes on his handsome face.

  He took the phone.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, this is Sergio Gravino. I just wanted you to know I am taking your daughter home with me. But don’t worry about a thing. I plan on making her very happy.” There was a pause. “I am, sir. Yes, ma’am. Okay. Yes, sir. And thank you, er, Mom,” he mumbled and blushed, handing Sammi back the phone.

  “I’ll talk to you later. Love you too,” she said and clicked the phone off.

  Did she hear him right? Was the big ol’ bull ready to do what she thought he was ready to do?

  Sammi could hardly wait.


  Sergio broke all sorts of speed limits driving to his rented townhouse. Tony was sitting on his porch swing with his mate when Sergio hurried by with Red in his arms.

  “Hey, Serg, I got the raccoon in PRIC custody,” Tony yelled, but Sergio just nodded.

  Couldn’t talk. Not now.

  “Sammi, thank the gods you’re safe!”

  “Yeah, thank you! Sorry, we’re in a rush.” Red giggled as he searched for the keys, gave up, then broke the door in.

  “The door,” she scolded.

  “Use the chain, Red,” he commanded, and she did, hanging over his shoulder since he still would not put her down.

  He carried his precious cargo all the way through the room where he’d slept the night before, passing the bed, and headed into the enormous bathroom.

  “Oh wow,” she said as he leaned over and turned on the massive six-headed shower.

  Finally, Sergio thought as he held her tight before sliding her down his body. To say he’d been in a state of panic ever since he’d seen her towel tossed on the grassy ground would be a gross understatement.

  Sergio had been in a total fucking blind fury. Like a bull at the gate. He’d shifted faster than ever before and followed the path the van had taken with his female. Sure, they had a lot to discuss, but right now, he was running on pure instinct.

  “Let’s get you clean, Red,” he muttered, peeling the scratchy blue scrub carefully off her body.

  She nodded her head and lifted her arms, helping him undress her. Then her small hands when to his scrubs, but he stopped her.

  “If you do that, this will be over far too quickly. Let me take care of you, please, Red. I need to.”

  Sergio had never begged anyone in his entire life. Not even when he was a kid and Grandpa Sal withheld the first crop of sweet summer corn from the young bull unless he cleaned his room.

  But he’d get down on his knees if she wanted him to, just for the privilege of being near her. He sucked in a breath as she lowered her arms, drinking in the natural Cytherean beauty of his fated mate.

  She lifted her face proudly, and Sergio was undone. There was nothing more beautiful than a confident woman. And his confident woman, so comfortable and gorgeous in her honey-gold skin, was a veritable knockout.

  Her eyes were still on his while she stepped under the spray of the six separate showerheads. Sergio’s cock hardened in the scrubs. Fuck, he regretted not letting her take them off, as the itchy material was like sandpaper against his flesh.

  “All right, Detective, I’m in.” She arched one eyebrow and leaned her head back, allowing the water to cascade through her unruly locks.

  How he loved those layered spikes! They were so pert and spunky. Just like her. Wonderful. So caught up in his thoughts, Sergio’s mind went to mush as she took some soap and spread it over her curves with her bare hands.

  She grinned as she cupped her breasts, rubbing the mounds and teasing the nipples until they were hard and pointed under the glossy sheen of Ivory shower wash.

  Sergio growled. His cock twitched. But he could control himself. Until her naughty hands slipped farther down her soft belly, over her hips, and around to the short, cropped curls that tried to hide her sex from him.

  “Mine,” he growled, stepping into the shower, scrubs, and all.

  Red’s shocked eyes widened, and her mouth opened as Sergio dropped down to the floor. Not one fuck was given for the scrubs by either of them.

  Nope. All his fucks are mine now.

  Happy sniff.

  The sight of her little fingers parting her pussy was more than he could take. She was his, dammit. And he was going to have her. Now.

  Sergio lifted one of her plump, perfect legs over his shoulder and buried his face right into her core. Lost to the sweetness of her honeyed sex, Sergio used his tongue and free hand to work his steamy little Red into a frenzied state.

  Bloody hell. She was divine. Sweet ambrosia to his senses, which were now firing away like mad. His heart thudded in his chest, and his bull growled deep inside of him. The rumble vibrated through to his lips, causing his sweet mate to tip over the edge. But he was there to catch her, drinking down every last drop as her orgasm rang through, squeezing his fingers.

  “Oh gods,” she moaned, pulling on his hair until he was standing up.

  “Sergio,” he growled, shoving his soaked scrubs down and freeing his thick, engorged cock.

  “What?” she said, eyes focused on his dick.

  “My name. Say my name,” he commanded as he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up.

  Red growled, hugging herself to him tightly and wrapping her legs around his waist.

  “Please, need you,” she moaned, and he was well aware of her state.

  He was hanging on by a thread himself, truth be told. Mating fever was something shifters knew of, but Sergio never really thought about it. Never considered he would be the willing victim of uncontrollable, unimaginable desire. But it was more than sex. These past few days with his Red had told him love could come quickly on the wings of fate.

  “Sergio,” she moaned and crashed her mouth to his.

  Fuck yeah. Sergio deepened the kiss. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, staking his claim there as he intended to on every inch of the delectable little hedgie.


  He used his thick fingers to spread her lips. She moaned again, sucking on his tongue while he found her clit with his thumb. Sergio teased and pressed on the bud, heightening her pleasure, while stretching her sheath with his fingers.

  A two-thousand-pound Jersey bull when shifted, Sergio was no slouch in his human skin either. He was big all over.

  Red was so tiny and petite. A curvy handful for sure, but he needed her ready. Would never risk their coming together being anything other than fan-fucking-tastic.

  “Now, need you now,” Red yelled, and he obeyed, sliding his cock all the way to the hilt.

  Holy fuck. Her sex squeezed him so tightly that Sergio almost came with that first thrust. She was so hot, so tight, and so very perfect in every way, shape, and form.


  Hips thrusting, Sergio grabbed onto the round globes of her perfect ass. Something he was looking forwa
rd to exploring later in bed. She shuddered against him. Her arms wound tightly around his thick neck. Thank fuck, he was strong as a bull, cause once his mate started to come for the second time, she tightened her hold.

  Growling his pleasure, Sergio continued to stretch her walls, sliding his dick in and out of her plump pussy lips and grasping sheath, oblivious to the shower water turning cold. Over and over again, he slid his cock in and out, riding out her orgasm until the next one started. Sergio simply couldn’t get enough.

  He wanted to be buried deep inside of her forever. Was that possible? Maybe. Definitely. Fuck yes. He could make a home inside her heated core.

  “Sergio!” She screamed his name this time, and he deepened his strokes, grinding his pubis into her clit.

  This time he followed her into oblivion, taking each rippling aftershock to further his own pleasure.

  Mine, he thought as he slid his mouth over the soft skin between her shoulder and neck and bit down with the sharp edge of his blunted teeth. Sergio was just in time to feel the piercing shock of pain that was over as quickly as it started from her own mating mark, which she placed just over his heart.

  From that slight discomfort swelled the most incredible bliss he had ever felt, and Sergio spilled his seed deep inside her womb. White-hot waves of ecstasy swelled like an uncontrollable tide as he came, and came, and came. And fuck yes, she was right there with him.

  He turned off the shower and carried her limp body to the bed, snagging two fluffy towels off the shelf and wrapping them around her before falling onto the mattress.

  “That was…” She tried to speak, but she was still gasping.

  “Yeah,” he agreed, struggling for breath himself.

  “We never talked.” She shook her head, but her eyes were smiling, and it was all the affirmation he needed.

  Well, maybe.

  “I love you, Red.” He smiled. “And we can talk for the next hundred years if you want.”

  Her face blossomed under his words, and Sergio was struck once more at how incredibly beautiful his mate was. His mate. And she really was that now.


  “I love you too, Sergio.”